
Quid Pro Quo Statement

"Everything changes, and everything remains the same", people often say. It's easy to be cynical. I wonder if it is easier than being naive.

Three years ago I made a promise to America, as Donald Rumsfeld complained that "we are losing the battle for the hearts and minds."

I wrote in my blog, having in mind the invasion of Iraq, the atrocities of Abu Ghraib and Guantanomo Bay, the 20.000 ghost prisoners subjected to rendition/torture and the disruption of societies and cultures all over the world:

"Give me a USA I can believe in, and I will help you win the battle for the hearts and minds".

USA responded. She elected Barack Hussein Obama on a platform of "hope" and "change". Unlike some others I did not find him to be empty, more form than substance, appealing to emotions rather than intellect. I saw a sincere intention to break the neo-conservative cabal and put a stop to unjustified American warfare.

Barack Obama has talked about "change we can believe in". He has admitted that the Democratic election victory is not "the change we seek", but merely a chance to make that change.

I believe in that change, but there is some way until I can say that USA is a world leader I can believe in. But we are on the way.

50 Million Buffalo was established to keep my end of the bargain. I have not and I will not promote Barack Obama. I will remember his promises, keep track of the progress of America, warn where necessary and encourage when possible.

I see USA as a world leader as a good thing, a possibility for democracy and human rights for all people of all nations. But as an empire, seeking only to impose its will on the rest of the world out of a combination of self-interest and confused self-righteousness, I believe she will cause the total destruction of modern civilization.

USA is, by chance or by the favor of God, whatever you believe, the sole superpower of the world. But there has to be checks and balances. There has to be a law, a code that even the most powerful, the lawmakers themselves, are not above.

I believe that USA, if willing to submit to that standard, will save the world. If not, she is blind and will not even be able to rescue herself.

But for now there is hope, and my work continues.

Thank you, America.

Spencer, December 4, 2008 (edited January 27, 2009)
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